Rudyard Lake Railway
Railway News and News Archive
2023 Railway News
January 2023
The new year started with the ongoing clearance of P2 ahead of the building works for the new Cafe.
February-March 2023
Construction work continued on Platform 2 with the groundworks. Train services recommenced in March.
April-May 2023
Erection and fitout of the new cafe building was the focus, whilst running our trains. The annualdiesel gala was well attended.
June 2023
The cafe fitout was completed and the new and improved cafe opened as planned, to a positive reception.
July-August 2023
Peak season was unusual this year due to the variable weather. However passenger numbers were good and the railway operated to plan.
September 2023
Highlight of the month was the Steam Gala. Whilst we didn't have as many guest locomotives as last year we still managed to record one of the busiest Gala's we ever had.
October 2023
As the season draws to a close trains continued to run as normal weekends. The railway was also advertised for sale.
November-December 2023
Despite not running our Santa Trains, our services in December proved very popular so we finished 2023 on a good note.




Railway News Archive