Rudyard Lake Railway
Like any other railway we rely on volunteers to keep the railway running. We have a dedicated band of all age groups who enthusiastically do all the jobs that are needed to keep the railway going in the safest way possible. Our motto is "to help develop and run a safe and prosperous railway and have fun doing it". It is only because of our fantastic team of volunteers that this beautiful little railway continues to operate. Our current volunteers range in age from enthusiastic young teenagers to octogenarians. No specific skills are needed as the amount and type of tasks required will allow everyone to find their niche. There is no commitment required in terms of the hours you can spare or the number of times you could be available during the year. All that is needed is enthusiasm and a willingness to help continue the success of the railway.



Our volunteers keep in contact via a Facebook Group; this is a place for discussion on all current activities, maintenance requirements and projects as well as providing a forum for dynamic exchange of ideas. The group also contains the roster of all running and work party days. All active volunteers are given access to this group.


If you want to volunteer, please call us, message us on Facebook, email us or pay us a visit in person; we always reply to every enquiry. Volunteer jobs include:-
Cafe staff
Drivers and firemen
Permanent way gangs
Carriage cleaners
Engine cleaners and servicing
Engine and rolling stock maintenance
Vegetation maintenance
Assistance with our numerous improvement projects
You won't be driving a train when you first volunteer, but everyone can work up to this if that is their ultimate goal. Volunteering is positive and life-enhancing and the tranquillity and comradeship found at the railway will further add to this experience. All are welcome and, although disabled access is a bit limited, we would be happy to discuss your needs.
Phone or email the General Manager at 07884 483586